
Our videos

#1 Is it difficult to set up a new business in France?

We facilitate the process of setting-up your business in France.

#10 Do we always need to set-up a French subsidiary?

Details on different legal alternatives to set up a business in France

#12 - Could we have a short glimpse of the permanent establishment?

The purpose of this video is to present, in a short glimpse, the tax rules and the definition of a permanent establishment in France.

#14 In which cases should a foreign company opt for a liaison office?

All about the liaison office in this video !

#16 - Which legal structure to sep up?

This video compares the main French legal structures set up by investors.

#22 I need a legal domicile to register my company : what are my options?

To register a branch, a subsidiary or a liaison office, the structure needs a legal domicile in France. We explain you the options in this video.

#23 What are the rules regarding invoices?

This video describes French rules applicable on invoices.

#25 What are the rules regarding benefits in kind ?

We explain you in this video which the rules regarding benefits in kind.

#33 Will the French subsidiary have to pay withholding taxes ?

When a French subsidiary pays dividends, interests or royalties to its foreign parent company, is there any withholding tax to pay ? Some answers in this video.

#34 How does Corporate Income Tax work in France?

French corporate income tax rate has recently decreased to 25%, from 2022. But how does CIT work in France ? We explain you all in this video.

#35 Should the French subsidiary be concerned by transfer pricing rules and obligations?

The French subsidiary belongs to an international group. Is it concerned by transfer pricing rules and obligations? Which document it has to fill? More details in this video.

#37 Which taxes to pay if the French subsidiary owns a property and how are they calculated?

This video provides you with detail on French local taxes : land tax, local business tax but also offices and parking taxes for Paris area.

#38 - How a remote tax audit is conducted in France ?

his video explains you the different steps and room for action, when having a remote tax audit in France

#40 - Overview on the French research tax credit

This video is a summary of how Research Tax Credit and Credit on Innovation work in France.

#41: Are foreign individuals liable for property wealth tax in France ?

Any individual or legal entity holding real estate in France may be liable forproperty wealth tax in France. This video explains the tax consequences for non-resident people.

#42 How does a social security contributions audit work?

All corporate bodies or individuals liable for social security contributions or required to submit social security forms, may be subject to an audit.
This video explains you the steps of a Social audit and how to handle it.

#43 Is there a tax consolidation mechanism in France and how does it work?

This video details the French tax consolidation mechanism.

#44 Overview on the 3% tax on the market value on property

This video describes which entities are liable to the tax, which are exempted, and what is the tax compliance

#45: What are the employers’ obligations with regard to their employees personal income tax?

When a French company hires employees, it must withhold personal income tax from the amount of the salary paid to each employee.

#5 What is the detailed process to set up a new company?

Different steps of the registration process of a new company in France

#56 How to qualify for Young Innovative Business status?

This video explains which criteria a French entity must met to be qualified for Young Innovative Business status.

#66 Are non-resident subject to personal income tax in France?

This video explains when and how a non French tax resident is subject to personal income tax in France

#67 How is a non-resident property capital gain taxed in France?

You are a non French tax resident and you own a property in France. This video explains the various possibilities for total or partial exemption from capital gain tax.

#68 Tax and social security rules for stock-options awards for French employees of foreign groups

This video explains Tax and social security rules for stock-options awards for French employees of foreign groups.

#69- What is the right to error in tax matters?

This video explains how and when a taxpayer can correct its mistakes, without any tax penalties and with a reduction on late interest.

#70 Which B-to-B services are taxable in France and who is the taxpayer for VAT purposes

This video explains VAT rules applicable for B-to-B services

#9 what are the main taxes my business will have to pay?

In this video, you can have an overview on the main French taxes due when operating a business in France.

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